Classifying typos

Re: Lazy typo glossary -- Susan Desborough
Posted by Emmanuel ® , 01/10/2021, 16:47:02 Reply Top Forum

I consider the following classes of typos:

Real typos: when your fingers betray you, you meant to type again and typed agian instead.

Difficult words: words that you misspell because you never remember their spelling, you type agressive instead of aggressive because you never remember that the 2 gs are needed.

Hardwired expansions: I type pb to get problem, this expansion is so hardwired in my brain that I don't need to put it in my Words n' Phrases glossaries and see it in the Phrase table.

Lazy shift typos: the only correction done is on the case. You type mri to get MRI.

To reflect this classification, I can articulate my Typo shell glossary with 4 Typo Glossary includes:


This is just a way of organizing things. I could as well put all my typos in the Typo shell glossary.

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