Posted by Susan Desborough ® , 04/17/2021, 19:07:53 | Reply | Forum |
For example, to help me remember the many like short forms, I take advantage of the prefixes (hypo, pre, cost, cardio etcetera) to make the short form:
cardiovascular disease = cvdisease instead of cdisease as my short form rule for two words is first letter of first work and entire last word, or
cardiovascular or respiratory = cvorespiratory instead of corespiratory as my short form for three words is first letter of the first two words and the entire last word.
At the moment, when I am editing my short forms I am jotting them down to attend to later and editing the entries in the Viewer. I then have to find my place in the Convert Short Forms again as with over 200,000 entries it can be laborious. Otherwise a Search window would help in the Convert Short Forms window.
I do hope this makes sense :)
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