How to add fields usable in MSWord to a glossary entry

Re: Ctrl F9/F11 -- Susan Desborough
Posted by Marianne ® , 01/09/2023, 20:39:44 Reply Top Forum

If you imitate Emmanuel's example you would edit your entry and replace each * by the MSWord field command and your entry should look somewhat like this:

Weight {Ctrl F9}{End}({Ctrl F9}{End}percentile), Height {Ctrl F9}{End}cm ({Ctrl F9}{End}percentile), Heart Rate {Ctrl F9}{End}bpm, Saturation 100%, BP {Ctrl F9}{End}mmHg{Wrap}{Shift F11 6}{Wrap}

The {Shift F11 6} executes the MSWord jump command in reverse so you get to your first field and can then use the F11 key to jump ahead.

I am not sure about the {Ctrl B} part of your entry. You can always add it again. :-)

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