Marking or Unmarking glossary entries

Posted by Emmanuel ® , 09/22/2021, 04:13:01 Reply   Forum

If you have played with one of the following Glossary Viewer features:

then you have already seen this dialog where you can mark the entries to which you want to apply the underlying action (respectively delete, copy, transfer, add, convert short form).

Mark Entries

As you know you can mark or unmark selected entries with the corresponding Mark and Unmark buttons or with the space bar toggle.

Now I want to drive your attention to the Edit menu which offers some very powerful items to mark or unmark a whole group of entries:

Edit Menu

Mark/Unmark All Included Entries

Imagine you want to transfer all the 2-word phrases to a separate glossary, but you don't want the included ones:

  1. open the Mass Transfer dialog
  2. then select Edit → Mark All Entries of Length → 2 Words
  3. finally select Edit → Unmark All Included Entries

Mark/Unmark All Entries with Text

This is my favorite one. It enables you to mark or unmark all entries with specified text:

Mark All Entries with Text

The query criteria enable you to fine-tune your query by specifying if you want the searched text to be at the beginning or at the end of the expansion, short or display form.

Query Criteria

Mark/Unmark All Entries with Commands

This one can be handy if you want to transfer your commands to a different glossary for example.

Note that if you want to mark all entries with Pick commands for example, you may be better of using
Edit → Mark All Entries with Text and specifying {Pick} as the text to search.

Mark/Unmark All Entries of Length

This enables you to mark or unmark all entries of a given length, the length of an entry being measured by the number of words.

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