Some things have changed in Instant Text 8

Re: Merge -- Debbie
Posted by Marianne ® , 03/25/2021, 10:37:56 Reply Top Forum

The Glossary Viewer is now the place where you can view your current glossary and many more in different tabs.

It is also has become the place where you can import lists from other expanders and more. It also has become the Glossary Workshop place where you can create new glossaries, enrich them from documents (compilation) or from clipboard content, merge glossaries, edit them with Mass Delete or Mass Copy, and much more.

There is no need to condense a glossary anymore as it is done automatically when merging two or more glossaries. Just create a new glossary with the new name you want to give the merged glossary, so when you merge it with other glossaries, you don't overwrite any of them and keep them intact.

If for any reason you have duplicates in your glossary, they will not show up in the expansion tables unless there is a space invisible to you that makes the difference.

In the Glossary Viewer you may see duplicates, but only because they come from different included glossaries.

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